Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh the snobby Brits

Thanks to and WBZ TV's "One Last Thing" segment I was informed that Tesco supermarkets in Britain are actually requiring a dress code. No more pajamas and you better be wearing shoes.

I want to know where these snooty people who run Tesco get off thinking that penalizing a mom who runs into the store in her pajamas to buy a pound of butter is a good idea. Because it's a TERRIBLE idea. If I want to wear my plaid pajama pants into a grocery store, then the people who work at that grocery store better smile and tell me to have a nice day as I walk out with my bags of food. Sometimes you just don't have the time to put on real clothes, or if you haven't slept in a few days and that 10 page paper is due tomorrow, you might not have the energy.

Supposedly Tesco's excuse for this dress code debacle is that women running into stores in their pajamas and slippers are embarrassing to other customers. Hello sexism, where have you been hiding?

For the record I love grocery shopping. All of that yummy food in one place! I try to wear normal clothes, but what are normal clothes? My purple striped socks with brown pants embarrassed Matt, and we went grocery shopping while I was wearing them. The day that the fashion police have to guard grocery stores is the day I will begin using Peapod. Leave it to the British to suck the fun and pajamas out of life.

Happy Eating!!!


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