Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hot and bothered...

I am a lover of food. Just the thought of my mom's fried cabbage and noodles or my Titi's red rice and beans gets me all hot and bothered. I am still unsure about whether food actually makes me more loving or lovable. The NY Times article about aphrodesiac foods today made me even more skeptical, sort of.

The article basically said in order for chocolate to work you'd have to eat 15 pounds of it. For some reason cherries lower a woman's libido, and spicy peppers might spice up your love life. Then again they might not. The whole article was so objective it didn't come to a point. Well no, that's not fair, basically the article said there is really no science behind any food being an aphrodisiac.


The whole sexy mystery behind foods being aphrodisiacs lies in the fact that it is a mystery. Has no one ever seen or read Chocolat? Imagining that there is this food of love that works kind of like cupid's darts may be as silly as believing that relationships are always like the fairytales. That doesn't mean that a kiss on the cheek while being handed a perfect red rose doesn't still send shivers down my arms. Or that dipping a strawberry in warm chocolate and taking a bite doesn't make me feel kind of romantic.

Love is a hardcore mystery. What makes a woman fall in love? What makes a man fall in love? No one really has a straight answer. Of course there are plenty of old-wives tales. Just as there are plenty of old wives tales about love, there are plenty of old wives tales about food. You know chocolate, oysters, and all that jazz that the NY Times article kind of shot into.

Before you lose all faith in the Times, I did find one piece of information in the article rather interesting. All of those fancy meals that restaurants are making with supposed aphrodesiacs might not create the desired result. All of the rich food actually makes you kind of sleepy. I love it! One more reason to make your own food and avoid the sleepy drive home.

I am proud to announce that I am completely done with my Valentine's Day shopping, and have a bag of candy hearts sitting in my room just waiting to be enjoyed.

Happy Eating!!!


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