Flying can be a lovely experience. It can also be a horrid experience. When I fly Southwest Airlines, which is probably 6 or so times a year, I have lovely experiences. I get on, I fall asleep, sometimes I wake up for the free peanuts, and then I walk off singing their praises.
Today my family and I were traveling for vacation. I would tell you where we were going, but my mom's a psychologist and I'd rather not have any What About Bob moments. Speaking of What About Bob, that has to be one of my favorite movies of all time, and I really hope you go out right now and find it somewhere. Just buy it. It really is a classic.
Anyway we were flying Delta Airlines and I was gearing up for a long day. I packed snacks, because I am not one to go without food. I pack food when I go to certain friends. You know those people who don't ever offer you food and never eat snacks. They appear to never eat at all. Freaks of nature! I don't go to the great extent of not being friends with these non-eating people, but I come prepared.
I assumed my purse full of goodies would hold us through the long day. Little did I know Delta Airlines sucked at life. I don't normally give this kind of review for something that tries so hard to bring me to a fun destination, but seriously Delta should have a -5 star rating.
First we have to walk out onto the tar mat because the plane is the smallest one they could find. I think some kids got larger toy planes for Christmas. We were of course in the last aisle of the plane. The temperature back there was probably 102 degrees. I don't know why.
This was just our first flight. The snowy scene we arrived at after the 102 degree ride made me thankful for all things frosty. I kind of wanted to bask in the coldness. It was ridiculous.
We had a little bit of a layover before our next flight, so we went to find something to eat. Many of the snacks had already been consumed. Quiznos was a surprisingly pleasant option at the airport. I honestly have never tried Quiznos. I have of course seen their "mmm mmm mmm mmm toasty" commercials. Mara and I split a large Italian, which I did not let them toast. Anyone who likes Italian hoagies toasted needs to get their head examined. Those meats just taste so much better cold.
The little bit of the layover came and went and we weren't boarding the plane. Supposedly there was a crew member who we were waiting on. Don't they have to show up on time for the plane to take off??? Yeah I know I thought they did too. Turns out that they don't. We were delayed an hour, because the flight attendant was called in and had to drive 2 and a 1/2 hours to get to the airport. I may be going out on a limb here, but shouldn't a large company like Delta Airlines have a better system to get their employees on time for flights. No, because Delta Airlines sucks!
Southwest Airlines has flight attendants that sing to you while getting you to your destination on time or early. My family started calling me a Southwest commercial after about the 15th time of me saying that on Southwest Airlines would have never had this problem. When we finally got on the airplane, we were all of the way in the back of an equally tiny plane. Within about 15 minutes our seat area was 102 degrees again. The flight attendant, who had been late, was pleasant, which was a plus; but definitely did not get Delta out of the doghouse with me.
We did make it safely to our destination. We found some dinner, and now I'm relaxing with my dad and sister watching Mythbusters. It's not 102 degrees and I am not crammed in a tiny plane. Life is good. Matt called me to find out about the trip. I told him about the flight situation, and he says "That's why you fly Southwest." If there was any question, this is why I'm in love with this man.
Happy Eating!!!