This story began yesterday. I was putzing around facebook and found an ad that said if you become a fan of Einstein Bros., you would get a coupon for a free bagel and cream cheese. Matt was coming up to chill with me today, so I was all OH YEAH I'll finally have something for us to do. I sent a message to Matt the second I saw the ad. BECOME A FAN, AND WE CAN RUN AROUND AND HAVE FUN TOMORROW!
The enthusiasm was almost alarming. I wasn't even sure how to handle it myself, and I was starting to get rather hungry for a bagel. There were not many Einstein Bros. in the Boston area. I found one at 725 Commonwealth Ave, plotted out the route using the T, and Matt and I headed out. We took the T to Boston University Central and started looking for the Einstein Bros. I could almost taste the cream cheese.
Bagels are such a tasty treat. As you may or may not remember Matt and I actually tried our hand at making our own bagels . I wish I had more time in my life, because those bagels were really quite the treat. According to Matt, Einstein Bros. made great bagels.
When we got off the T, Matt and I started walking. We were kind of just excited to be somewhere new, and it was not too cold out. Walking and walking and walking. Finally I looked up at the numbers on the building and asked Matt where this place was.
Matt - "The numbers are going down."
Me - "That's 881. The last one was 825."
I was hungry and the sun decided that it wasn't into shining and keeping me warm anymore. We walked between what was 800 Commonwealth Ave. and 600 Commonwealth Ave probably about 2 or 3 times. It felt like 23 times and I was getting cranky. I wanted a bagel. Is that really too much to ask? I became a fan, and I wanted a bagel! 725 Commonwealth Ave appeared to be a school of art for BU. Big cement building, no sign of bagels or warmth. Desperate, like I mean MATT I HATE THIS IDEA AND SOMEHOW IT IS TOTALLY YOUR FAULT desperate, we walked into a dining area that seemed to have Starbucks and Jamba Juice and those kind of places in it. A girl handed me a flyer for some BU event, but still no bagels.
Dejected and feeling like a total failure for coming up with a plan that wasted 2 hours and resulted in two crabby people and no bagels, we got back on the T and headed home. Matt, feeling hopeful, suggested we try to get our free bagels when I went down to Providence this weekend. It turns out that there are no Einstein Bros. near Providence, and the one we couldn't find in Boston was in the basement of that cement building. I don't think either of us wanted to talk about said bagel place for a good long time. I was over it!
I have always been skeptical about anything that is free. Normally there are strings attached. Today I felt like there was a hardcore web involved. Thankfully dinner worked out as planned. I bought a pork roast that needed to be sold pronto. It was marked down a few dollars. I froze it immediately. I bought a packet of onion soup mix and poured it into the crockpot, added two cups of water, defrosted the pork roast, threw it in, and turned it on high. Three hours and a pot of rice later and we had a wonderful dinner. Our plates were cleared and our tummies were full. Today's life lesson: when you can't have your free bagel you earned, make pot roast and move on.
Happy Eating!!!
Love the post! So true!