Monday, January 25, 2010

There's salmonella in my salami

While those two things sound kind of cute together the result is not so cute. If you have been reading this blog for long, you know that I have strong opinions about people getting upset about salmonella chicken. Chickens are dirty; cook the meat. Unfortunately when my mom bought salami for our sandwiches for lunch (my brother went through a hard salami phase and I think we might have had salami sandwiches for a good two years straight because of it), she could not know or fix the lunchmeat if it was contaminated with salmonella.

It appears that the contaminated salami was sold in Costco, so no one in Rhode Island had the chance to get sick. I am almost proud of my little state of Rhode Island. I mean way to keep Rhode Islanders safe, by not selling your product to them. I am not so sure this was the Daniele Inc.'s purpose; either way they now have a multi-state mess on their hands.

According to the Providence Journal, 184 people in 38 states have gotten sick from the contaminated salami since July. That's a lot of people. It is rather unfortuante in the food industry that this kind of thing takes so long to float to the surface. The problem is most people are ok with 24 hour stomach bugs. The problem with that is that there is no such thing as a 24 hour stomach bug. In almost every case it is food poisoning. People hardly think of food poisoning, and when they do, they hardly go back to the company to complain about the issue. I totally get that part. My dad was food poisoned by Panera Bread. He does not want to step even in the direction of that place again. Violently throwing up all night does that to you.

The Daniele Inc. seems to think the salmonella is in the pepper, because it was only found in the peppered salami. I can't help but wonder how salmonella got in the pepper. I suppose it will be one of those food mysteries. You know like why that guy with the peanut plant shipped out those salmonella contaminated nuts. This world is full of crazies, and I'm glad my brother is over his hard salami phase.

Happy Eating!!!


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