Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's a little fishy

I am baffled by fish. They are overkilled, overfarmed, and not many people care. Many vegetarians will eat fish. I always love when they tell me this.

"Oh well I eat fish." It's kind of like their saying, yeah I eat those ugly creatures because I need nutrients. Little do they know that the politics of fish are even more sketchy than those dirty chicken farms. I guess fish don't squawk or have cute fuzzy babies; they don't have the fan club other animals have, and I personally think that is a sad sad situation.

I am no vegetarian. In fact I am exactly the oposite. I appreciate and love the animals I am able to consume on a daily basis. I do try to eat smart and when it comes to fish the jury is still out. Salmon, the one fish I know that EVERYONE just loves to eat, is not really a part of my diet. They are very much overfished and terribly overfarmed. If I can find salmon in every restaurant and every grocery store in every city in the US, there is a problem.

France took a stand in the fish battle this week by listing Bluefin Tuna on the endangered species list. This would mean that next month the EU would have enough votes in support of a Bluefin Tuna ban. I hope that the ban would give the tuna a chance to replenish so people could then be able to enjoy eating them again in reasonable quanities.

Fish can be very tasty. My mom used to buy fish and broil it with some lemon pepper. The one thing fish is not good for is leftovers, so if you're going to consume this soon-to-be rare product make sure you eat it all. And to all of those pescatarian out there. HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN THE INCREDIBLE MR.LIMPET??? Fish have feelings too.

Happy Eating!!!


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