On the end of this not-so-very-fat Tuesday my bedroom is a disaster, my boots are still wet, and after an hour of straightening up the apartment is clean. Wasn't my little sister the most adorable little kid?
Days like these I miss PA. A Fat Tuesday, or Fastnacht Day as we like to call it, was not complete in the Keystone State before a visit to Nana and Papap's house to get some doughnuts. Back in the good old days, we would go over to Nana and Papap's house and make the yeasty potato doughnuts. My sister appears to be throwing the dough in the picture, but we really were frying most of the dough.
If I were to make a foodie list of things to do before you die, eating fastnachts on Fat Tuesday would be #10. You really have not eaten a doughnut, before you tried these doughnuts.
Since I obviously was deprived of my doughnut today, I decided to take a peek at the USDA's newest web tool. If the food environment atlas actually worked the way it was supposed to, it would be super cool. Unfortunately it has a few glitches and didn't fill in every map for me. It's still wicked cool and definitely worth taking a look see. Did you know PA eats way more pounds of veggies than say Eastern MA? This is the kind of way cool facts you can find out from tinkering around the food atlas. The journalist in me is dying to know why these different areas of the country have different eating habits and what exactly America can learn from this map.
Honestly I feel like that time one of my friends showed me Google Earth. It is simply mesmerizing. I hope my PA friends had their share of fastnachts today. I will be talking my mom into a belated fastnacht day over spring break.
Happy Eating!!!
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