My computer crashed. Blue screen. I'm in tears. MY LIFE IS OVER! You know, all that jazz. If you haven't experienced a computer death, then you will soon. Bwahaha. No but seriously my life runs off a computer. While my computer was down, I tried to watch TV. Turns out I don't know how to watch TV without a computer. I stared at the screen and on comes commercials COMMERCIALS. It was awful. I wanted to do some work, write a post, or cruise around facebook, and instead I was watching commercials. What had my life come to!
After a lovely chat with India, my knight in shining armor was on his way from Providence with a Windows XP CD to save me from my sad pathetic life of commercials and lack of homework.
I knew that I could not greet Matt on his day off with nothing but a teary face and a broken computer. I was probably going to make his day hell enough by screaming at him when my computer didn't get any better. Don't judge. If you haven't yelled at someone when you are in a frustrated state, you don't have a pulse or you're an alien. And if you're an alien, what are you doing here on planet earth? Don't you know everything is going to end in 2012. Go back to your home planet while you still can.
I got this brilliant idea while I was waiting the LOOOONG hour that Matt was taking to get to Cambridge. He said he wanted a cheeseburger for lunch, but he didn't want to get stuck in traffic going back to Provi, so I couldn't take him to get some good greasy fast food. I went to Trader Joes and stared at the cheese section for a good 10 minutes until I found a block of Monterrey Jack cheese that wasn't $500 or created from raw milk in Ireland - does Irish cheese really taste better? I was skeptical. I bought two pounds of hamburger meat. 80/20 so I knew it would be good and greasy, and I sped home.
I had honestly never really experimented with stuffed burgers, but I just knew I could pull it off. My bacon was frozen, so I chopped off the edge and stuck it in the frying pan. Matt walked in and asked where the orange chicken was. I try to make a nice greasy guy meal and he asks where the orange chicken is. Oh I love this boy.
So I cut the ground beef in half. I add an egg, some breadcrumbs, a splash of milk and mix it up. Supposedly, according to Matt, I was making burgers wrong, but that was how my mom made burgers. Can we remember that my computer is lying on my bed NOT BREATHING! I mixed up the burger stuff and cut up some cheese in blocks. I took a patty sized amount and put a piece of cheese in the middle then I grabbed two one inch pieces of the now thawed and sort of fried bacon and put them on top of the cheese. I squished the meat around the cheese and bacon and reformed the patty making sure that there wasn't any cheese or bacon poking out.
One pound of ground beef made 3 burgers. I put them under the broiler and 10 minutes later Matt was gushing about how these were the most amazing burgers he ever ate. Of course 15 minutes later we might have been yelling about my computer and
But the burgers were good. And for the few minutes we were eating lunch I was a pretty amazing girlfriend.
Happy Eating!!!