Ok let's be honest he's a total wimp and today he claimed that my allergies made him sick. He did bring my groceries to Boston; so I felt bad, like a good girlfriend, and decided that instead of cleaning all of the chicken I bought I would make him some chicken noodle soup.
My family was a big Campbell's family. If we were sick and needed some soup my mom would probably open a can. Now before you go about judging my wonderful mother understand that she was a very good cook and her chicken corn soup was always life altering. We just left sick food to the professionals; I mean let's be honest can you really taste it anyway?
But back to sniffles. His mom makes chicken noodle soups whenever someone is sick, and it really is a good chicken noodle soup. Not only did I have to make a chicken noodle soup that didn't taste like water, but I also had to live up to Matt's mom's chicken noodle soup. Does that sound impossibly to you, because I was worried just thinking about it.
I had skin-on, bone-in thighs. We went out to buy carrots, an onion, celery, dill, and parsley. I bought the dill at Star Market(my community's version of Shaws) and I paid $2.39 for fresh dill. My Matthew is worth it and fresh ingredients are always worth it, but I was disappointed when we went to Whole Foods to buy the onion and parsley that we had originally forgotten and a giant bunch of dill was $1.69 and looking fresher than the small container we had bought. Now what have we learned? Buy fresh herbs at Whole Foods; it's cheap and fresh, so pretty much a no-brainer.
We chopped and diced all of the ingredients and threw 3 of the thighs into a pot. Actually Matt did most of the chopping and dicing and I cleaned the other thighs while he was doing the soup stuff. We covered the ingredients with water(should have put more water in and had to add more at the end, but that's what I love about cooking you can always adjust). I added a little bit of dehydrated garlic, some adobo(because honestly what does adobo not make better), and a little bit of salt.
Once the chicken was almost done I took it out and cut off the skin and I cut the meat off the bone. Then I threw it back in the pot. We started the water for noodles(you can just throw the noodles in, but Matt wanted to do them separately).
DDay was coming closer. Did I manage to make a good chicken noodle soup? I had been tasting the broth and adjusting the seasoning pretty much every 20 minutes, so I knew it tasted good. The real test came when Matt tried it. "We did good Em, we did good." It really was good. I still say leave sick food to the professionals at Campbells, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad to make my own chicken noodle soup every now and then. It definitely is coming on the season for it.
Happy Eating!!!
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