I thought you all might appreciate photos of my amazing tag sale find. It is terribly food related, because imagine how amazing ice cold water will taste out of this pitcher and cups. I thought you would all appreciate my pictures of them too. Matt's foot is in the one and my shoe is in the other; I think it's a entirely unrelated, but if you didn't notice that before, you now will every time you look. I wish I could have shown you a picture of the set on top of the shelf in the bright sunny morning when I found it. The pitcher and cups were glistening like red diamonds. I obviously fell in love.
The water for this pitcher is going to have to be as amazing as the pitcher itself. Cambridge water obviously will not do. My parent's well water with insane amounts of iron would be my first choice, because it is the water I grew up with.
I am actually quite picky about water. Bottled water is only good when it's ice cold; otherwise it tastes like plastic. City water tastes like chlorine. I can maybe handle it ice cold, if I gulp it down before the after tastes kicks in. New Hampshire water is an exception, at least Concord, New Hampshire water; supposedly it's city water, but it tastes so very fresh. If someone was going to do water fresh and delicious it would be New Hampshire(let's be honest).
The water I grew up on tasted fresh. Our clothes randomly got stained because of the overabundance of iron, but at least I never had to worry about becoming anemic. Water is such an important thing. I have a tendency to dehydrate(so when I'm drinking water I am obviously doing nice things to my body), but I feel healthier when I am drinking a lot of water regardless. Unfortunately I just never have the time. I know terribly lame excuse, but I never really made it a habit to do homework and drink something.
My dish experiment has been successful for 3 weeks now, and I have been successfully Ramen free. Maybe it is time to change my water habits. If only I could have my perfectly tasty well water to drink out of my pretty pitcher and red cups.
On the other end of the liquid world, Matt and I bought soda tonight(because Matt loves soda regardless of all of my attempts to convert him of his sugary ways). I suggested Matt buy the Big Fizz Red Pop, because the Big Fizz Root Beer sounded too safe. I assumed that Red Pop was simply their version of Cream Soda. *set scene* I am standing at the sink washing dishes. Matt is at the stove being amazing and making me dinner. "You should try this soda." (M) "Why what does it taste like?" (E) "I don't know. It's like juice with seltzer water." (M) "Like fruit punch?" (E) "No I can't explain it. Just try it." (M)
The soda smelled like jello. It was that sweet sort of fruity smell only jello before it it is coagulated could smell like. I tried it and it tasted like overly sweet seltzer water. Maybe the taste of the five million pounds of sugar that somehow fit into one 2 liter bottle overshadowed the "red" flavor. I needed a good glass of water just after trying it. Unfortunately I am living in Cambridge at the moment; no good water in site.
Happy Eating!!!
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