Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A good friend and some mac and cheese

Tonight I heard some news and my reaction was, gross. I can't tell you the news(private information people!!!), but I can tell you that the proper response to such news is not gross nor should it ever be gross. My mom went along with my gross never questioning the inappropriateness of it(she's my mom and thankfully she tends to humor me every now and then). I called my friend and she totally called me out. "You're jealous." "No I'm not." "Yes you are." "No I'm not." It was an intense conversation and in the end I knew my friend was truly one of my best friends in the whole world, because she was right. Of course solving my underlying feelings did not make me feel any less jealous so I sent Matt a ranting email about how I wasn't jealous(he's my boyfriend he doesn't bother calling me out anymore). I then knew I needed dinner and upon close examination decided that the only meal that would do tonight was Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

I might take a minute here to tell you that I love Kraft Mac and Cheese and I sing the "blue box blues" in my head every time I make it. Everyone has their own way of making perfect mac and cheese. Mine is actually a day old. There is something so fabulous about the way the fake cheese coagulates and never actually becomes liquidy again no matter how much you heat it. Unfortunately it is hard to achieve this consistency without waiting for a few hours. In Oregon my wonderful roommate and I actually tried baking Kraft Mac and Cheese after cooking it according to the box directions. We put bread crumbs on top and baked it for maybe 15 minutes. I'm telling you the consistency was like mac and cheese after sitting in the fridge for a day only warm. I know amazing.

I will probably only enjoy my perfect mac and cheese tomorrow as I was hungry, depressed, or jealous as my friend would call it and ate half of the mac and cheese just as it was coming out of the pot. Being in a rush is always the thing that stands between me and perfect bowl of day old mac and cheese.

In other friend news, Matt's friend is up for an assistant manager of cutters at Shaws. I feel like that is such an unfortunate name for a butcher, but he uses it and I aim for extreme accuracy in all I do(and it makes me laugh a little). I just really hope if he gets the job that he'll change his job status to assistant manager of cutters, because it will cause all sorts of misinterpretations. Being a butcher seems like such a cool job to me. I wouldn't like the smell of blood on my hands all of the time, but to use that big knife and just hack through a chicken faster than anyone else, so cool. Matt's friend is so cool without the assistant manager position, but I really hopes he gets it. I may be slightly biased, but he's just the best cutter around.

My nails are bright Barbie pink right now. I love being in a kitchen, but I am loving having nails again and being able to wear nail polish. If for nothing else, I have something to chip at during history class when I'm bored. Time for some leftover bread pudding and hopefully bed soon. I hope you are all reveling in the end of Wednesday. It does mean the weekend is one day closer.

Happy Eating!!!


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