I have some bad news for you. Hot dogs may be a choking hazard. Cheese may also be a choking hazard. And you heard it here first, broccoli may also be a choking hazard. You should probably stop feeding your little kids these things immediately; you should probably start with the broccoli.
According to
USA Today pediatricians are calling for a warning label to be put on hot dogs. They also said it might be time to change the shape and texture of the hot dog, so it is less likely to be lodged in a child's throat. Really guys, what self-respecting mom doesn't cut up the hot dog before feeding her toddler? I know my mom always did.
The best part of this whole article lies in the numbers. Ten thousand children under the age of 14 go to the hospital every year because they are choking. But the real groundbreaking stuff here is that 17% of these 10,000 choking cases are caused by hot dogs.
I was never a math person, but even I know that 17 is not a large percentage. So what caused the other 83% of choking issues? Why are hot dogs being unnecessarily attacked? Most of us know hot dogs are not terribly healthy. - Matt still tries to argue otherwise.- But really do we need to hate on hot dogs even more?
Hot dogs, like almost every other kind of food, may cause a kid to choke, especially if said kid bounces up and down with food in their mouth while screaming at the top of their lungs. So what's the life lesson here? Watch your kids! Sheesh this isn't hard stuff, people. Make meal time, meal time, not play time. And for little little kids cut up the food, so it's easier for them to swallow.
In other news, I made pork tips for dinner and they were absolutely wonderful. I fried them up a little then cooked them in bbq sauce for almost an hour. They kind of tasted like faux ribs. Hope your Monday was full of good food and not too much work!
Happy Eating!!!