Much to my surprise and chagrin Fruit Loops and Cracker Jacks are not nutritional. Ok ok I already knew this, but supposedly the FDA is going to start getting stricter about what they let companies like General Mills and Kraft say about the food they produce. Supposedly the FDA is worried that people might have been confused by the labeling in the past, and now they want to make everything better.
Really guys, really? Did anyone really believe that Fruit Loops were nutritional? Well I guess if you did, I hate to break it to you, but it doesn't matter what the label on the box says, they aren't!!!
I give the FDA props for standing up to this false marketing. I know a lot of parents are smart enough to read beyond the label, but some aren't. There are some people out there who read "low calorie" and never bother to check the sodium level or all of the added preservatives.
My favorite falsely advertised item is the fruit flavored sparkling water. They advertise 0 grams sugar, 0 calories, 0 grams fat; but they always neglect to mention, that the empty calories in the fake sugar they use will, in fact, cause you to eat more. Your stomach thinks it's going to get calories and then when it doesn't it causes you to be hungry, to fill the emptiness you created by tricking yourself. Same thing happens when you drink diet soda.
Matt actually makes a true low calorie version of one of my favorite meals. It tastes good, and you almost don't miss the calories.
Matt's Chicken "Parm"
Chicken Breasts
Spaghetti Noodles
Tomato Sauce
Mozzarella Cheese
Sprinkle adobo on both sides of the chicken breasts. Broil the chicken. Yes I know this landed me with a burned hand and chicken on the floor, but just give it a try. You probably aren't as klutzy as I am. Broil them on either side till it is done in the middle.
Cook the noodles to perfection (whatever that means to you). Heat the tomato sauce. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on the chicken when it's done and put it under the broiler for a few more minutes till the cheese is melted. Put some noodles, as much sauce as you like, and the chicken on your plate. No it's not breaded and no Matt's version is actually completely void of Parmesan cheese (you can add some of that onto your pasta if you like it; Matt doesn't), but in all honestly it tastes good. You will forget that you're missing the breading and the frying and the baking. It takes half the time that chicken parm normally takes, and I think the FDA would agree with me; it is low calorie.
Be on the lookout for less marketing lies on your food labels, or more advanced ones. And remember make your favorite foods low calorie. If Matt can do it on accident, you can definitely do it if you try.
Happy Eating!!!
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