Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I need some chocolate asap, but munchkins will do

Today I had to register for classes. There were only 6 seats on average in the classes I needed, so the race was going to be on at 8 am. I left for class like 15 million years early, hoping that I could get into class set up my computer and be all ready to register.

"We are sorry to inform you blah blah blah delays blah blah blah you will be waiting here for the rest of your life blah blah blah the T is delayed." They might as well have been announcing YOUR LIFE IS OVER multiple times over the loud speaker. I tried to see if I could get cell coverage so I could call Matt and cry about how he needed to help me. No such luck. At 7:40 the train pulls in. I was there at 7:20. Should have been sitting in class by 7:40, but who was keeping track.

I finally arrived at the stop that I got service at and pulled my phone out to call Matt. "ugh what hi what time is it" It doesn't deserve punctuation because it kind of sounded like a lack of anything more than a couple of wonderful mumbles by the man who was about to save my life. I am not overexaggerating.

"matt you need to get a piece of paper and a pencil NOW." He really is a saint. He wrote down everything I told him and got ready to register me for classes. Then my phone was about to die. I turned it off, because Matt had the info it would all be ok. NOT. Guys when you think everything is going to be ok slap yourself because nothing is ok at those moments NOTHING. I gave him the wrong tab to click on, had to figure out I was wrong, while running in and out of my class before class started. Finally I come back in. Matt said everything said I was web registered. Probably by the skin of my teeth, but I don't care I was registered.

Class is canceled. Class is canceled. Did you check? Class is canceled. Oh yeah as if this morning could not get any better. I did not need to wait 20 minutes for the T. I did not need to wake my saint of a boyfriend up. I did not need to barely get into all of my classes. Why didn't I check WebCT? I will be asking myself that question over and over for the end of time.

You know what I needed all day. Obviously CHOCOLATE. There was none in sight and all day I had this aching feeling in my stomach just begging for a sweet. I was of course too cheap to just go out and buy a candy bar. The feeling persisted and I just kept grinding my teeth, bearing with the headache, and reminding myself that I got into classes so today was a good day. I had to tell myself that. With chocolate in my system, I would have been thrilled. Oh chocolate how I underestimate your powers.

I walked into my last class and told my professor that I bought animal crackers for our class on Thursday. "That reminds me" She just disappeared, which is kind of typical of her, but when she came back I wanted to kiss her. She came back with a whole container of Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts. It was such a beautiful thing. I ate like 4 of them and the stress started melting. It wasn't Hersheys, but it sure was delicious. My group started writing our children's book and I actually laughed. The girl, who was almost in tears pleading with Matt to please hurry and register me, was laughing. Sugar is such a powerful thing. Have you had your fill today?

Happy Eating!!!


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