You might recall Matt and my baconator experience. It ended with me being full for weeks, and Matt being full for 24 hours (just as big of an accomplishment as me being full for weeks, trust me). It turns out something that will not leave you nearly that full has about double the calories.
A study came out this week saying that a medium movie popcorn and a soda has about the same amount of calories as three quarter pounders from McDonalds. That would make me way more full than the baconator. So why is it that while mindlessly eating popcorn during a movie do we not feel that same fullness that three quarter pounders would give? Well it's popcorn. Snacks tend to shove calories in with more ease than real food (if you can call McDs real food) does. According to the study the reason that movie theater popcorn is so terribly bad for you is because they cook it in coconut oil. I really must say that this cooking process makes it damn tasty. Unfortunately it also makes it scary for your arteries.
Lessons. We all know how learning lessons from useless information like this makes me happy. I call it useless, because I doubt the billions of teenage girls who went to see New Moon Thursday at midnight and are planning to go all this coming weekend, really care whether they are consuming 3 meals worth of calories in one medium popcorn. It tastes good, it's there, and it quiets your nerves when that vampire takes his shirt off. (disclaimer: I have never even seen Twilight so please don't get mad at me for misinformation.)
Lesson number 1: Why are people still paying ridiculous prices to buy movie theater popcorn? Buy a big purse and sneak in some pretzels. Really why aren't you already doing this? With the money you spend on a medium popcorn and a soda, you could feed a whole family of 5. That's not even factoring in the price of the ticket. Either eat before and go without food during the movie, or sneak it in. I promise I won't tell.
Lesson number 2: If you go to the movies every week and you get popcorn every time you go and you're overweight, stop complaining. Thanks to this study you now know exactly why you are overweight, so you have no excuse.
Lesson number 3: I don't think McDonalds is a good option, but if you fill up on a quarter pounder, then it would probably be wise to just enjoy that and call it a day. It's cheaper.
Lesson number 54: Yeah I skipped a few because I couldn't think of that many lessons. Pretty much don't eat movie theater popcorn, if you love your healthy life.
Happy Eating!!!
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