Ok men listen up. Eating processed meats is bad for you. That's bacon, sandwich meat, sausage, and yes hotdogs. You are more likely to get bowel cancer if you eat too much of this food. If that doesn't sound like a pleasant way to die to you, I would have to agree. The cure is easy. Be sparing with your processed meats. The problem is that most men are not aware of this. No offense gentlemen, this is not shocking to me. You know how I know this. My mom made sure we ate turkey everything. I did not eat real bacon till I was maybe five and visiting my Titi Stella. I still remember that wonderful moment of bacon fat melting in my mouth. My dad probably would not have taken his high cholesterol so serious. Women doesn't it feel good to know we're needed for something?
In other more exciting news, CBS did a study and found raw chicken has bacteria on it. For all of you raw chicken fans out there, I am sorry but you will be sick if you eat if you eat raw chicken. Really CBS? Did ABC beat you out on all of the interesting investigative reporting?
If raw chicken had no bacteria on it, I would not eat it, because it would mean that there is probably no nutrients in the chicken. If you want my dad to talk to you for a while, just bring up milk and how it has no nutrients in it anymore. "All of the nutrients in the milk are killed when they pasteurize and homogenize. That's why it's safe for weeks." In some ways he's right. All of the stuff we do to food kills all of the bad stuff. It kills the good stuff too. Milk doesn't even have that much calcium left in it by the time you get to it. You'd be better off taking a calcium pill.
I didn't risk my life by handling raw chicken tonight. Although I would have loved living on the edge by considering, to wash or to not wash my hands. Don't worry, don't worry, I always wash my hands after handling raw chicken. As you might recall there was a moment when I ate cooked chicken off the floor, not my proudest moment. We all have our moments. I am positive if CBS tested that piece of chicken, they would have found some disease on it. Now that story I would have taken more seriously.
Happy Eating!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
And then I was back
There is a lovely blister on my left index finger. It’s totally sexy. Matt’s going to look at it and go “what did you do to yourself now?” I was the kid who found the only rock in my yard to fall on and crack open my chin. Thankfully my wonderful boyfriend has become use to me and my many casualties of war.
I worked at the country club this weekend while I was home. I accidently took the wrong chef knife with me to work, and the one I picked was DULL. I am normally used to dull knives in comparison to the hair splitting knives many of my comrades work with, but this was exceptionally dull. So dull in fact that I was pushing way to hard to cut and I worked up that lovely blister that I just deemed oh so sexy. It could have been worse. I could have cut off my whole finger. Dull knives are so dangerous. It’s commonly thought that sharp knives are dangerous; but when you’re using the tip of your knife to cut through the skin of an onion because your knife is too dull to cut it, you are pretty much asking for trouble.
Besides my knife issues, the country club was lovely. I was a little worried I’d forget everything and just look stupid, but I walked in and felt right at home. Not much had changed. Rob was still working on the newest dish that sounded amazing. There was a new prep cook that was wonderfully slow. I say wonderfully and mean I never saw someone cut up broccoli so slow. My mom could have done it faster with a paring knife. Ahh how I love the kitchen!
Between working and family stuff my weekend was packed. I honestly have not had a spare second to breathe. I did get a healthy dose of hot chocolate, and I have eaten turkey pretty much for every meal except breakfast since Thursday. I was hoping I could maybe grow some wings, so I wouldn’t have to sit in the airport at 6 a.m. No such luck.
It is officially the holiday season. The holidays are just not the holidays without some fudge. My mom makes the best fudge. Last year I tried my hand at it for the first time, and brought it into the office. I like to think it made all of their holidays a little happier. I’m not quite sure when I will be making my fudge, but here is the recipe so you can be sure to make it early. It makes a wonderful gift for those people you always forget to get gifts for. It’s also a wonderful alternative to a plate of cookies.
4 cups of sugar
1 large can of evaporated milk
1 stick butter
Combine in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook to soft ball stage. This means when you drip put it into a bowl of water you can form a soft ball. Most candy thermometers have the stages on them, but if you don’t have one just try the water test, or it will be about 8 minutes after mixture comes to a full boil. Remove from heat and stir in until smooth.
12 oz. bag chocolate chips
7 oz. jar of marshmallow crème
20 oz. jar peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla
Pour mixture into a 13x9 greased pan. You can add walnuts or pecans. I personally like it without the nuts.
Happy Eating,
I worked at the country club this weekend while I was home. I accidently took the wrong chef knife with me to work, and the one I picked was DULL. I am normally used to dull knives in comparison to the hair splitting knives many of my comrades work with, but this was exceptionally dull. So dull in fact that I was pushing way to hard to cut and I worked up that lovely blister that I just deemed oh so sexy. It could have been worse. I could have cut off my whole finger. Dull knives are so dangerous. It’s commonly thought that sharp knives are dangerous; but when you’re using the tip of your knife to cut through the skin of an onion because your knife is too dull to cut it, you are pretty much asking for trouble.
Besides my knife issues, the country club was lovely. I was a little worried I’d forget everything and just look stupid, but I walked in and felt right at home. Not much had changed. Rob was still working on the newest dish that sounded amazing. There was a new prep cook that was wonderfully slow. I say wonderfully and mean I never saw someone cut up broccoli so slow. My mom could have done it faster with a paring knife. Ahh how I love the kitchen!
Between working and family stuff my weekend was packed. I honestly have not had a spare second to breathe. I did get a healthy dose of hot chocolate, and I have eaten turkey pretty much for every meal except breakfast since Thursday. I was hoping I could maybe grow some wings, so I wouldn’t have to sit in the airport at 6 a.m. No such luck.
It is officially the holiday season. The holidays are just not the holidays without some fudge. My mom makes the best fudge. Last year I tried my hand at it for the first time, and brought it into the office. I like to think it made all of their holidays a little happier. I’m not quite sure when I will be making my fudge, but here is the recipe so you can be sure to make it early. It makes a wonderful gift for those people you always forget to get gifts for. It’s also a wonderful alternative to a plate of cookies.
4 cups of sugar
1 large can of evaporated milk
1 stick butter
Combine in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook to soft ball stage. This means when you drip put it into a bowl of water you can form a soft ball. Most candy thermometers have the stages on them, but if you don’t have one just try the water test, or it will be about 8 minutes after mixture comes to a full boil. Remove from heat and stir in until smooth.
12 oz. bag chocolate chips
7 oz. jar of marshmallow crème
20 oz. jar peanut butter
1 tsp. vanilla
Pour mixture into a 13x9 greased pan. You can add walnuts or pecans. I personally like it without the nuts.
Happy Eating,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Come in and know me better man

Today was very dramatic to say the least. Literally we started at 7 this morning and have been going till 2 hours ago when we all sat down to watch The Muppet's Christmas Carol. Anyone who actually enjoys hosting ginormous parties needs to have their head checked. Well ok let me step back for a second and say anyone who enjoys hosting ginormous parties probably has a bit of crazy in their system.
It is no secret that I have a lot of crazy in me and well I get it from my mom, so yeah that's a lot of crazy in one little family.
Back to this morning. My mom was going a little bit insane moving every piece of furniture and plant in our house, BECAUSE WE'RE HAVING A TON OF PEOPLE OVER AND WE NEED SPACE. I put that in caps because she totally said it in caps. I yelled back in caps CALM DOWN YOU'VE DONE THIS BEFORE. Yeah it was so much fun you're all just wishing you were there.
Then mom gets a call from my Titi Margie. "We're bringing desserts and more desserts." She might as well have said she was bringing dog poo, because mom might have been more pleased with her if she had. See we had a lot of desserts. Everyone seemed to be bringing desserts. The thing we were lacking was vegetables. "WHY DO PEOPLE CALL WHEN THEY WANT AND BRING WHAT THEY WANT? DO THEY REALLY THINK THAT THESE SORTS OF HOLIDAYS JUST HAPPEN AND THEY CAN JUST SHOW UP?" Of course none of those questions were to be answered and we heard them all morning long. Mom would get all excited and then she'd calm down. It was quite the progression.
I made up some cauliflower and corn and no one touched either of them, because there was so much food they were both really unnecessary. Everyone ate, was happily full, and then everyone left. It pretty much felt like it happened that fast.
If you still have a Thanksgiving feast to attend, here are some lessons by mom to live by. Please live by them, because I'm really sick of listening to people talk in caps.
1. Ask the hostess what she needs you to bring. She knows what's being brought, and broccoli is so much easier than 2 pumpkin pies and a cheesecake.
2. Come early to help with the setup. If you feel like you aren't going to be much help, sometimes just the company is nice.
3. Don't leave after the rush, before there is time for the hostess to sit down and relax. There is nothing worse than a rush of people who come and eat and leave.
Helping to clean up is a really nice plus. Honestly if you're mother hasn't taught you these things already, I feel bad for you.
There were a few lovely highlights of our Thanksgiving feast. One of them was my first attempt at homemade cranberry sauce. Everyone was in love.
My mom made a cranberry bread, so we had half a bag of cranberries left. I poured them into a saucepan with a rather juicy orange deseeded and cut into 6 sections. I left the peel and everything on since I was going to take them out before I was done. I put a cup and half of sugar and enough water to make it wet in the pot. I boiled this mixture till the cranberries popped and everything was looking very happy. I added a little bit of cinnamon, some ginger, and some nutmeg. I then took out the oranges. I made a slurry out of corn starch and water and added it to the sauce, bringing it to a boil to thicken it. Bowl it up and eat amazingness. If I do say so myself it was amazing, and it wasn't a pumpkin pie, so my mom was happy with me.
Happy Eating!!!
p.s. Isn't Bella adorable? And, in case you thought I was joking about our overabundance of desserts, here are the desserts without the 24 cupcakes and cut walnut brownies.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Here we go
I went to the airport wonderfully prepared to do the little bit of homework that I needed to do over this Thanksgiving break. Then I bought Julia Child’s book My Life in France. So much for the stupid history book.
Anyway my roommates had a Thanksgiving Day feast with their friends on Sunday, and I did all of the clean up. I wasn’t so excited about Mickey Mouse coming around while we’re gone and chewing up and pooing all over my stuff. Call me selfish, but unwanted guests are just not my cup of tea. So back to the feast and I did the clean up and the apt looks lovely. One of the guys who came ran to Whole Foods and got his girlfriend flowers while he was at our place. Awww cute. I threw up a little actually; if you run into a store and have to buy your significant other flowers just for the heck of it, there is something wrong with you. Maybe your mom brainwashed you into thinking that flowers equal love. THEY DIE!!! But a cute bracelet, ring or earrings now those equal love. (Matt are you taking notes?)
Yeah he left them at our apt. It’s the thought that counts right? Anyway the flowers are traveling with me. They would have died alone if I didn’t bring them. I think it’s a pretty good payment for my cleaning and my mom will think I’m the best daughter ever for bringing her flowers. Plus do you have any idea how adorable my canvas bag looks with a bouquet poking out of it. I’m all for looking cute, contrary to popular belief.
Now I landed in the city of brotherly love around 10:15. My Bella-boo or the B-Machine as Matt has decided to call her is coming to get me. Yeah I think my dad’s coming too; Bella just can’t seem to pass the driving test. (It’s ok B it took me 4 times to get it; keep trying.) Then we are rushing home for a little holiday cooking. By a little I mean A LOT.
Do you have any idea how big my dad’s family is? My sister said and I quote “Everyone’s coming. Even Titi Margie.” So yeah this means that the house will be packed, the turkey is 22 pounds, and Emily’s not invited unless the peanut butter pie is made.
If you think I’m joking about not being invited, you just don’t know my family. When my Titi Stella decided to have Christmas, she called me and said she wanted me to make the peanut butter pie. She then hid it in her freezer for her kids and said I brought it just for them. Hello outraged cousins. I think it was actually Uncle Tony who noticed it first.
He’s a big fan of good food. He’s lived in a family with some of the best cooks in the world. Yes I said it, and no I’m not biased. This is hardcore raw talent the Gonzalez Huertas Hinkels have. Doesn’t it just bring you joy to hear Hinkel in that mix? If you doubt the PA Dutch talent, you can just take it out with Uncle Bud. His wings will set you straight.
Back to the peanut butter pie. It is just amazing. I am very biased about this, because quite honestly if I could have lunch with anyone in all of history it would be George Washington Carver. I’m in love. He invented peanut butter. How can you not think the guy’s amazing? My peanut butter pie recipe is so easy it practically makes itself. The only reason no one else in the family makes it is because it’s my job. I have to earn my invite.
Peanut Butter Pie:
6 oz. cream cheese
3/4 cups of confectioner sugar
2 tablespoons of milk
1/2 cup of peanut butter
8 oz. container of Cool Whip
Blend the cream cheese and the confectioner sugar. Add in the milk. Mix in the PB. Fold in the Cool Whip, and do the cool whip dance while doing it. The last step is of the utmost importance. Be sure not to skip it. Scoop the mixture into a oreo or graham cracker crust. I like to freeze the pie if I'm taking it somewhere so it doesn't get too soft. Pretty much you're going to have to trouble not eating all of the filling before you actually eat the pie.
Happy Eating!!!
Anyway my roommates had a Thanksgiving Day feast with their friends on Sunday, and I did all of the clean up. I wasn’t so excited about Mickey Mouse coming around while we’re gone and chewing up and pooing all over my stuff. Call me selfish, but unwanted guests are just not my cup of tea. So back to the feast and I did the clean up and the apt looks lovely. One of the guys who came ran to Whole Foods and got his girlfriend flowers while he was at our place. Awww cute. I threw up a little actually; if you run into a store and have to buy your significant other flowers just for the heck of it, there is something wrong with you. Maybe your mom brainwashed you into thinking that flowers equal love. THEY DIE!!! But a cute bracelet, ring or earrings now those equal love. (Matt are you taking notes?)
Yeah he left them at our apt. It’s the thought that counts right? Anyway the flowers are traveling with me. They would have died alone if I didn’t bring them. I think it’s a pretty good payment for my cleaning and my mom will think I’m the best daughter ever for bringing her flowers. Plus do you have any idea how adorable my canvas bag looks with a bouquet poking out of it. I’m all for looking cute, contrary to popular belief.
Now I landed in the city of brotherly love around 10:15. My Bella-boo or the B-Machine as Matt has decided to call her is coming to get me. Yeah I think my dad’s coming too; Bella just can’t seem to pass the driving test. (It’s ok B it took me 4 times to get it; keep trying.) Then we are rushing home for a little holiday cooking. By a little I mean A LOT.
Do you have any idea how big my dad’s family is? My sister said and I quote “Everyone’s coming. Even Titi Margie.” So yeah this means that the house will be packed, the turkey is 22 pounds, and Emily’s not invited unless the peanut butter pie is made.
If you think I’m joking about not being invited, you just don’t know my family. When my Titi Stella decided to have Christmas, she called me and said she wanted me to make the peanut butter pie. She then hid it in her freezer for her kids and said I brought it just for them. Hello outraged cousins. I think it was actually Uncle Tony who noticed it first.
He’s a big fan of good food. He’s lived in a family with some of the best cooks in the world. Yes I said it, and no I’m not biased. This is hardcore raw talent the Gonzalez Huertas Hinkels have. Doesn’t it just bring you joy to hear Hinkel in that mix? If you doubt the PA Dutch talent, you can just take it out with Uncle Bud. His wings will set you straight.
Back to the peanut butter pie. It is just amazing. I am very biased about this, because quite honestly if I could have lunch with anyone in all of history it would be George Washington Carver. I’m in love. He invented peanut butter. How can you not think the guy’s amazing? My peanut butter pie recipe is so easy it practically makes itself. The only reason no one else in the family makes it is because it’s my job. I have to earn my invite.
Peanut Butter Pie:
6 oz. cream cheese
3/4 cups of confectioner sugar
2 tablespoons of milk
1/2 cup of peanut butter
8 oz. container of Cool Whip
Blend the cream cheese and the confectioner sugar. Add in the milk. Mix in the PB. Fold in the Cool Whip, and do the cool whip dance while doing it. The last step is of the utmost importance. Be sure not to skip it. Scoop the mixture into a oreo or graham cracker crust. I like to freeze the pie if I'm taking it somewhere so it doesn't get too soft. Pretty much you're going to have to trouble not eating all of the filling before you actually eat the pie.
Happy Eating!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
The pilgrims came to America and Pocahontas fell in love with John Smith and then they all gathered together for one giant Thanksgiving Day feast. The Indians (not to be mistaken for India, Indians...oh Columbus how you messed up) brought corn and the pilgrims killed a turkey and every was all sorts of happy.
Yeah ok Walt Disney died a long time ago, so I hope you don't pretend that the first Thanksgiving really happened like that at all. Matt believes in Disney and is going to read this and call me up immediately to tell me that he thought John Smith did fall in love with Pocahontas; the truth hurts folks. The pilgrims did have a harvest feast, you know they ate before they spent the winter starving. Boy I don't ever wish I lived during that period of American history.
President George Washington declared a National Day of Thanks. Good old Thomas Jefferson was not into the whole thanking for the bounty thing and nixed the idea. President Lincoln picked up the torch and named a national day of thanks; every other president after him declared the day of thanks, and hello 2009 Thanksgiving Day.
There is no Thanksgiving without a turkey. Lets be honest, it's probably the only time of year that you actually eat a turkey. I'm not sure why this is. Turkey's are such yummy yummy things.
We roast our turkeys. My mom makes the best turkey ever. She has had a lot of practice. We have a over 30 people for Thanksgiving every year. The number grows every year with the addition of boyfriends and girlfriends and wives and husbands. Everyone brings a side or dessert and my mom makes the turkey. This is one monstrous bird that feeds us all, and every year all of my Titis argue over who is going to carve the bird.
I love my mom for doing this every year. She taught me that there are never too many people at a holiday celebration. She also taught me how to be a wonderful hostess, cleaning up and minding all of the dishes. She also taught me that the hostess always eats last and probably will end up sitting on the floor. Do you realize how many people never get these lesson? Yeah my mom's the best.
There are a few things standing in the way of me and Thanksgiving. Classes tomorrow, heading to Providence with Matt, and then the flight to P-izzle. That turkey is calling my name.
Happy Eating!!!
Yeah ok Walt Disney died a long time ago, so I hope you don't pretend that the first Thanksgiving really happened like that at all. Matt believes in Disney and is going to read this and call me up immediately to tell me that he thought John Smith did fall in love with Pocahontas; the truth hurts folks. The pilgrims did have a harvest feast, you know they ate before they spent the winter starving. Boy I don't ever wish I lived during that period of American history.
President George Washington declared a National Day of Thanks. Good old Thomas Jefferson was not into the whole thanking for the bounty thing and nixed the idea. President Lincoln picked up the torch and named a national day of thanks; every other president after him declared the day of thanks, and hello 2009 Thanksgiving Day.
There is no Thanksgiving without a turkey. Lets be honest, it's probably the only time of year that you actually eat a turkey. I'm not sure why this is. Turkey's are such yummy yummy things.
We roast our turkeys. My mom makes the best turkey ever. She has had a lot of practice. We have a over 30 people for Thanksgiving every year. The number grows every year with the addition of boyfriends and girlfriends and wives and husbands. Everyone brings a side or dessert and my mom makes the turkey. This is one monstrous bird that feeds us all, and every year all of my Titis argue over who is going to carve the bird.
I love my mom for doing this every year. She taught me that there are never too many people at a holiday celebration. She also taught me how to be a wonderful hostess, cleaning up and minding all of the dishes. She also taught me that the hostess always eats last and probably will end up sitting on the floor. Do you realize how many people never get these lesson? Yeah my mom's the best.
There are a few things standing in the way of me and Thanksgiving. Classes tomorrow, heading to Providence with Matt, and then the flight to P-izzle. That turkey is calling my name.
Happy Eating!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Can I have extra butter with that please

You might recall Matt and my baconator experience. It ended with me being full for weeks, and Matt being full for 24 hours (just as big of an accomplishment as me being full for weeks, trust me). It turns out something that will not leave you nearly that full has about double the calories.
A study came out this week saying that a medium movie popcorn and a soda has about the same amount of calories as three quarter pounders from McDonalds. That would make me way more full than the baconator. So why is it that while mindlessly eating popcorn during a movie do we not feel that same fullness that three quarter pounders would give? Well it's popcorn. Snacks tend to shove calories in with more ease than real food (if you can call McDs real food) does. According to the study the reason that movie theater popcorn is so terribly bad for you is because they cook it in coconut oil. I really must say that this cooking process makes it damn tasty. Unfortunately it also makes it scary for your arteries.
Lessons. We all know how learning lessons from useless information like this makes me happy. I call it useless, because I doubt the billions of teenage girls who went to see New Moon Thursday at midnight and are planning to go all this coming weekend, really care whether they are consuming 3 meals worth of calories in one medium popcorn. It tastes good, it's there, and it quiets your nerves when that vampire takes his shirt off. (disclaimer: I have never even seen Twilight so please don't get mad at me for misinformation.)
Lesson number 1: Why are people still paying ridiculous prices to buy movie theater popcorn? Buy a big purse and sneak in some pretzels. Really why aren't you already doing this? With the money you spend on a medium popcorn and a soda, you could feed a whole family of 5. That's not even factoring in the price of the ticket. Either eat before and go without food during the movie, or sneak it in. I promise I won't tell.
Lesson number 2: If you go to the movies every week and you get popcorn every time you go and you're overweight, stop complaining. Thanks to this study you now know exactly why you are overweight, so you have no excuse.
Lesson number 3: I don't think McDonalds is a good option, but if you fill up on a quarter pounder, then it would probably be wise to just enjoy that and call it a day. It's cheaper.
Lesson number 54: Yeah I skipped a few because I couldn't think of that many lessons. Pretty much don't eat movie theater popcorn, if you love your healthy life.
Happy Eating!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Leggo my eggo...no I'm serious LET IT GO
In case you missed the news, Eggo waffles might not be on the shelves when you go to look for them in the next couple of months. Two of the four plants that produce the tasty frozen waffles are not producing them for various reasons, so Eggo lovers are out of luck.
First of all how many of you are shocked that all of those yummy frozen waffles are made in only four plants. Oooh Me! Me! Pick me! I guess I imagine the waffle market to be a tad bit larger than it really is. See we didn't actually own a waffle maker, so Eggo got quite a bit of business from my family when we were growing up.
I would like to know where all of the store brand waffles are made. Honestly they taste the same as Eggo, so are they made in the Eggo plant? Are we looking at a lack of waffles across the board? Yeah that would be devastating. My days of waffle eating are over, but think of all of those other little children who want their Eggos before school.
Matt's friend Trevor, who informed me of this waffle shortage, said his mom would make waffles and then freeze them so he could toast them just like you would toast an Eggo waffle. Trevor's mom is pretty smart. I've never met the woman, but honestly she sounds like supermom to me. You know those moms that put homemade cookies in their children's lunches every day. It's so cute and nauseating all at the same time. I only say nauseating of course, because I know I will never be that mom. I'll be a "leave some things to the professionals" mom, just like my mom. We all know Campbells Chicken Noodle soup makes you feel warm and cozy. Why waste all of that time making homemade soup? That's prime book reading, cuddling, and hanging out time.
Yeah I just totally made my mom look like a better mom for opening a can of Campbells. I really should get paid for this kind of advertising.
Happy Eating!!!
First of all how many of you are shocked that all of those yummy frozen waffles are made in only four plants. Oooh Me! Me! Pick me! I guess I imagine the waffle market to be a tad bit larger than it really is. See we didn't actually own a waffle maker, so Eggo got quite a bit of business from my family when we were growing up.
I would like to know where all of the store brand waffles are made. Honestly they taste the same as Eggo, so are they made in the Eggo plant? Are we looking at a lack of waffles across the board? Yeah that would be devastating. My days of waffle eating are over, but think of all of those other little children who want their Eggos before school.
Matt's friend Trevor, who informed me of this waffle shortage, said his mom would make waffles and then freeze them so he could toast them just like you would toast an Eggo waffle. Trevor's mom is pretty smart. I've never met the woman, but honestly she sounds like supermom to me. You know those moms that put homemade cookies in their children's lunches every day. It's so cute and nauseating all at the same time. I only say nauseating of course, because I know I will never be that mom. I'll be a "leave some things to the professionals" mom, just like my mom. We all know Campbells Chicken Noodle soup makes you feel warm and cozy. Why waste all of that time making homemade soup? That's prime book reading, cuddling, and hanging out time.
Yeah I just totally made my mom look like a better mom for opening a can of Campbells. I really should get paid for this kind of advertising.
Happy Eating!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It's just paper right?

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization decided that we can erradicate world hunger at the price tag of $44 billion a year. That's one hefty price tag. The G8 summit pledged 20 billion over 3 years...pshhh pennies. And the best part no one really knows how that money will affect the problem. Well you know guys it's not $44 billion, so it's not going to save the world.
Where did the FAO come up with this number? I have no clue, but I am pretty sure that someone was being paid to come up with the number. This is the part I have a problem with. Why do we pay out millions of dollars to find out that the problem could be fixed with billions of dollars. Supposedly the Boston T was found to be dangerous and there is no money to fix it. How much did they pay the man to find out what they probably already knew? It's my section of the T too, so when you hear that the redline derailed and some crazy person was yelling from the wreckage, "HOW COME YOU COULD FIND THE MONEY TO DO THE STUDY AND NOT TO FIX THE PROBLEM!" Yeah you'll know what's going on. Ugh ok stepping off of soapbox.
So I can't imagine a million dollars. I have never even had a hundred dollars physically in my hands. It just seems like a tremendous amount of cash. I'm sure billions could save the world; with billions I could probably save the world and shop at Whole Foods.
I don't know about you, but I was not shocked this week when I found out that Whole Foods stock went down. I mean I'm going to buy a whole roasting chicken for $3 at Price Rite instead of spending $12 at Whole Foods. It's kind of a no-brainer. Speaking of roast chickens and no-brainers, how amazing does my roast game hens look? I know you're salivating. I was too at 8 at night when the dinner still wasn't done.
They were super easy. I just cut up an onion, a potato, and carrots. I covered the hens with adobo and garlic and roasted them at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour. The wait was worth it. It was like biting into home, and for leftovers I can't wait to make pasta, chicken, and broccoli tomorrow night. Don't you just love a meal that can be transformed into a completely separate meal? It's like leftovers only way better. Maybe newovers, hmm now that is some food for thought.
Happy Eating!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Ho Ho Holidays
Whether you like it or not the holiday season has been thrown at us. I say thrown at us, because it would be foolish to say that it's actually time for the holiday season. There were Christmas ornaments in Target at the end of September. Screaming WHAT HAPPENED TO FALL is entirely useless, because it's gone, disappeared, poof. Whining, crying, and updating your facebook status every two seconds to inform your friends that you are mad, that Thanksgiving has once again gone as a forgotten holiday, is useless. I tried. It really doesn't make you feel any better.
The only other option is to embrace it. They're already selling eggnog in the stores, embrace it, if you like eggnog; I'm not a fan. I am a fan of hot chocolate and the movie Eloise at Christmastime. I thought that it might be awful to enjoy these things before Thanksgiving. Shockingly I did not grow elf ears or a Santa hat, and the movie and hot chocolate were just as good as it would be on the night before Christmas.
Of course embracing Christmas is much more than embracing cheap Christmas movies and night time treats. Embracing Christmas is embracing winter. Winter means warm homey foods, an extra 10 lbs, and of course a warm yummy apple crisp. You might remember the apple crisp I spoke of back in October. I believe I called it the best apple crisp ever. Well I did it one better. I had bought 4 apples and 4 pears at the grocery store a long time ago. Well the apples were longer than the pears. Matt left them in his fridge and forgot about them when he was supposed to be bringing them up to me so I would have fruit to consume. Oh Matthew! I personally think he did it on purpose so that when I finally got the apples I would be over my fruit kick and I would turn them into a yummy baked good.
Since I'm not fond of yummy apple baked goods, I decided adding a few pears in the mix might make the whole thing a lot better. Boy was I right. I love how that sounds. Don't you? In all fairness the apple crisp topping is the best ever. You might be able to put it on dog poo and make it taste good. Ok maybe not dog poo, but definitely apples and pears.
I had every intention of making a homey meal of Cornish game hens and carrots and potatoes tonight. Unfortunately I forgot to take them out of the freezer in time, so now that is going to have to be tomorrow's meal.
That boyfriend who forgot my apples in his fridge conveniently had two burgers ready for dinner. I think I already mentioned that extra 10 lbs that always comes with winter. The cold weather just makes you hungry for the fattyness. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling it goes back to the native Americans eating animal fat to stay warm. Not sure if that really happened, but I seem to remember something about it in American history class.
Tonight's low is 34 degrees Fahrenheit. It's time for winter folks. Gain the 10 lbs wisely. I'm thinking roast chickens, apple crisps, and maybe a little bit of bacon on the side.
Happy Eating!!!
The only other option is to embrace it. They're already selling eggnog in the stores, embrace it, if you like eggnog; I'm not a fan. I am a fan of hot chocolate and the movie Eloise at Christmastime. I thought that it might be awful to enjoy these things before Thanksgiving. Shockingly I did not grow elf ears or a Santa hat, and the movie and hot chocolate were just as good as it would be on the night before Christmas.
Of course embracing Christmas is much more than embracing cheap Christmas movies and night time treats. Embracing Christmas is embracing winter. Winter means warm homey foods, an extra 10 lbs, and of course a warm yummy apple crisp. You might remember the apple crisp I spoke of back in October. I believe I called it the best apple crisp ever. Well I did it one better. I had bought 4 apples and 4 pears at the grocery store a long time ago. Well the apples were longer than the pears. Matt left them in his fridge and forgot about them when he was supposed to be bringing them up to me so I would have fruit to consume. Oh Matthew! I personally think he did it on purpose so that when I finally got the apples I would be over my fruit kick and I would turn them into a yummy baked good.
Since I'm not fond of yummy apple baked goods, I decided adding a few pears in the mix might make the whole thing a lot better. Boy was I right. I love how that sounds. Don't you? In all fairness the apple crisp topping is the best ever. You might be able to put it on dog poo and make it taste good. Ok maybe not dog poo, but definitely apples and pears.
I had every intention of making a homey meal of Cornish game hens and carrots and potatoes tonight. Unfortunately I forgot to take them out of the freezer in time, so now that is going to have to be tomorrow's meal.
That boyfriend who forgot my apples in his fridge conveniently had two burgers ready for dinner. I think I already mentioned that extra 10 lbs that always comes with winter. The cold weather just makes you hungry for the fattyness. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling it goes back to the native Americans eating animal fat to stay warm. Not sure if that really happened, but I seem to remember something about it in American history class.
Tonight's low is 34 degrees Fahrenheit. It's time for winter folks. Gain the 10 lbs wisely. I'm thinking roast chickens, apple crisps, and maybe a little bit of bacon on the side.
Happy Eating!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Now that smells like fermented slime
Tonight I performed the dreaded task, cleaning out the fridge. I guess it wouldn't be such a dreaded task is everyone ate their leftovers or disposed of their leftovers in a timely fashion. Why would you save leftovers if you have no intention of eating them? anyone? anyone? Yeah no answer here either. Since I don't live in a perfect apartment where old food stands up and walks out of the refrigerator and into the trash, which then picks itself up and walks outside to the dumpster. Ugh lets not even discuss the trash.
So yeah the slimy things and the dehydrated things and the smelly things all had to be disposed of. While I was doing the whole tossing in the trash thing, I was doing some thinking. People in the world are starving. Food drives for the holidays have already started, and here I am throwing out half my fridge.
I can easily blame my roommates. There was definitely a container of slimy brown rice in there and we all know I'm not a brown rice type of person. Unfortunately it doesn't matter who wasted half of the fridge in our apartment. There are people wondering about their next meal, who would die do the food I had to just throw out. Well they probably would have wanted it before it was slimy, but you get my point.
So if blaming my roommates won't make the trash take itself out, er oops I mean cause us to waste less food. If my roommates are reading, PLEASE START TAKING THE TRASH OUT BEFORE IT SMELLS LIKE WE LIVE IN A DUMP!!! But yeah back to the food, what is it that will help the whole wasting food thing? Think. Oh yeah it sounds easy, but it really isn't.
Every time you make a meal stop and think. When am I going to eat the rest of this meal? Can I put it in a container and take it to work for lunch tomorrow? All of this thinking might help you waste less. If you can't eat lasagna for 2 weeks straight, maybe you should make a smaller version or freeze half of it so you can have it when you're hungry for it.
Of course buying an extra can of soup and dropping it off at a local canned food drive, would definitely help things out a little too. Do you really need those brownies or donuts? It's the little things people, and it's going to be a rather cold winter so giving the needy a little extra might be a good idea. Well it's a good idea all of the time.
So my roommate made me enchiladas tonight. She's from New Mexico i.e. an expert on amazing enchiladas. Ok so here's how she makes them. She put layers of tortillas on the bottom of a 13x9 pan. Then she layers in some cooked chicken, which she cooks in chicken stock. Then she layers on black beans, green chili (This is definitely the secret and I'm skeptical as to whether you will find a green chili sauce that is amazing as the one her mom sends her from NM, but try it'll be worth it.), and cheese (LOTS OF CHEESE). Then she layers another tortilla layer and the process continues with much the same ingredients. She sticks this whole concoction in the oven at 350 for like 20 minutes. It's intense cheesy spicy and meaty all at once. It's amazing and comforting in a 13x9 inch pan. You won't have to think about whether you can eat this for a week straight. First of all it won't last that long and second of all it is the perfect meal on a cold night. Besides who doesn't love cheesy chicken beany goodness.
Happy Eating!!!
So yeah the slimy things and the dehydrated things and the smelly things all had to be disposed of. While I was doing the whole tossing in the trash thing, I was doing some thinking. People in the world are starving. Food drives for the holidays have already started, and here I am throwing out half my fridge.
I can easily blame my roommates. There was definitely a container of slimy brown rice in there and we all know I'm not a brown rice type of person. Unfortunately it doesn't matter who wasted half of the fridge in our apartment. There are people wondering about their next meal, who would die do the food I had to just throw out. Well they probably would have wanted it before it was slimy, but you get my point.
So if blaming my roommates won't make the trash take itself out, er oops I mean cause us to waste less food. If my roommates are reading, PLEASE START TAKING THE TRASH OUT BEFORE IT SMELLS LIKE WE LIVE IN A DUMP!!! But yeah back to the food, what is it that will help the whole wasting food thing? Think. Oh yeah it sounds easy, but it really isn't.
Every time you make a meal stop and think. When am I going to eat the rest of this meal? Can I put it in a container and take it to work for lunch tomorrow? All of this thinking might help you waste less. If you can't eat lasagna for 2 weeks straight, maybe you should make a smaller version or freeze half of it so you can have it when you're hungry for it.
Of course buying an extra can of soup and dropping it off at a local canned food drive, would definitely help things out a little too. Do you really need those brownies or donuts? It's the little things people, and it's going to be a rather cold winter so giving the needy a little extra might be a good idea. Well it's a good idea all of the time.
So my roommate made me enchiladas tonight. She's from New Mexico i.e. an expert on amazing enchiladas. Ok so here's how she makes them. She put layers of tortillas on the bottom of a 13x9 pan. Then she layers in some cooked chicken, which she cooks in chicken stock. Then she layers on black beans, green chili (This is definitely the secret and I'm skeptical as to whether you will find a green chili sauce that is amazing as the one her mom sends her from NM, but try it'll be worth it.), and cheese (LOTS OF CHEESE). Then she layers another tortilla layer and the process continues with much the same ingredients. She sticks this whole concoction in the oven at 350 for like 20 minutes. It's intense cheesy spicy and meaty all at once. It's amazing and comforting in a 13x9 inch pan. You won't have to think about whether you can eat this for a week straight. First of all it won't last that long and second of all it is the perfect meal on a cold night. Besides who doesn't love cheesy chicken beany goodness.
Happy Eating!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Oysters anyone?
The Greek goddess of love came from an oyster shell. While I hate to put anything in the same sentence as chocolate (It's just sacrilegious!), oysters are, like chocolate, an aphrodisiac. Unfortunately every year some raw oyster eaters aren't thinking sexy thoughts after eating Gulf oysters. According the New York Times, 15 people die every year from a bacteria found in Gulf oysters during the warm months.
The FDA's answer to this dilemma was; oysters from the Gulf were banned during warm months. This seemed reasonable, considering there is no way to know if an oyster has the bacteria and according to true oyster lovers (I'm really not a fan, so I'm trusting them) processing the oysters change the flavor. It just makes more sense to put a kabosh on the warm month Gulf oysters. Well you say ban and people normally start to freak out. This freak out caused the FDA to delay the ban until the issue can be looked into more carefully.
First of all I think raw oysters are disgusting. They kind of look like the blobs you see in the pictures of what babies look like in the early stages of pregnancy. Yeah gross!!! I have no idea why anyone would want to slurp down these fetisesque objects, but I've watched many a country club member do it over the summer. They would fill the tops of the shell with enough cocktail sauce that I really don't think they tasted anything other than cocktail sauce with a little bit of slime on the side.
There is always a risk involved when eating raw anything. You should never do it unless you really trust the restaurant, buffet, hotel, ect. I may be extra hopeful in the restaurant industry, but I would hope that a chef would not want his diners to die from food he served. (Pardon the use of a male pronoun. I hate saying he/she. It wastes space much like this explanation just did.)
So maybe the answer is not an FDA ban. Maybe it is just going to take a refusal from restaurant owners and chefs from selling Gulf oysters raw during the warm months. There are other places where oysters come from, so oysters wouldn't have to be taken off of the menu altogether. If only I could run the world.
If only I could finish my paper on Ghandi's Hind Swaraj. I am not dying from a raw oyster bacteria, but my body is slowly shutting down on me. I have a slight fever and just feel icky. I am hoping that a little bit of rest and relaxation will fix me all better, but unfortunately my paper is at 2.75 pages and stuck there (it has to be 5-7 pages). My aphrodisiac of choice for the night, Hershey's chocolate. It isn't slimy, and it makes me feel happier.
Happy Eating!!!
The FDA's answer to this dilemma was; oysters from the Gulf were banned during warm months. This seemed reasonable, considering there is no way to know if an oyster has the bacteria and according to true oyster lovers (I'm really not a fan, so I'm trusting them) processing the oysters change the flavor. It just makes more sense to put a kabosh on the warm month Gulf oysters. Well you say ban and people normally start to freak out. This freak out caused the FDA to delay the ban until the issue can be looked into more carefully.
First of all I think raw oysters are disgusting. They kind of look like the blobs you see in the pictures of what babies look like in the early stages of pregnancy. Yeah gross!!! I have no idea why anyone would want to slurp down these fetisesque objects, but I've watched many a country club member do it over the summer. They would fill the tops of the shell with enough cocktail sauce that I really don't think they tasted anything other than cocktail sauce with a little bit of slime on the side.
There is always a risk involved when eating raw anything. You should never do it unless you really trust the restaurant, buffet, hotel, ect. I may be extra hopeful in the restaurant industry, but I would hope that a chef would not want his diners to die from food he served. (Pardon the use of a male pronoun. I hate saying he/she. It wastes space much like this explanation just did.)
So maybe the answer is not an FDA ban. Maybe it is just going to take a refusal from restaurant owners and chefs from selling Gulf oysters raw during the warm months. There are other places where oysters come from, so oysters wouldn't have to be taken off of the menu altogether. If only I could run the world.
If only I could finish my paper on Ghandi's Hind Swaraj. I am not dying from a raw oyster bacteria, but my body is slowly shutting down on me. I have a slight fever and just feel icky. I am hoping that a little bit of rest and relaxation will fix me all better, but unfortunately my paper is at 2.75 pages and stuck there (it has to be 5-7 pages). My aphrodisiac of choice for the night, Hershey's chocolate. It isn't slimy, and it makes me feel happier.
Happy Eating!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
60% You Go America!
Have I ever mentioned that I have a huge crush on Charlie Gibson? I had some cold pizza, a glass of juice, and I was going to sit down for 15 minutes before I started the nonsense I should have done yesterday. All I could think was, "It's quarter to 7. I can still catch a little bit of Charlie." I never really was a nightly news fan, but honestly a lot goes on in the world and sometimes it's just nice to know that there is more out there than the radio clip (that was awful) that was due by 6 tonight (I'm totally getting a 6/10 on it. I just know it).
Charlie did not do me wrong tonight. He informed me that 60% of American families polled by ABC news ate dinner as a family. I can not tell you how much that warms my soul.
My mom was one busy woman, but every night we sat down and ate a dinner. I had no idea that this was unique until I left for college. After freshman year I learned my parents were probably the only couple in all of America who hadn't gotten a divorce (overexaggeration of course, but you get the point) and that my parents did things all wrong; they were supposed to throw money at their children and ignore them. Dinner was supposed to be optional.
That is one depressing thought isn't it. When I think of all of the happy times my family had around the kitchen table, I just can't help but laugh. My brother would moan and complain when dinner wasn't his favorite. We all moaned when it was beef stroganoff. I mean who invented that anyway. What a disgusting idea for a meal. Beef, creamy slop, and noodles. It just doesn't give me that warm fuzzy feeling listening to Charlie does.
Thankfully it looks like since my freshman year things have started to turn around. Maybe America is getting smart. I doubt it, but at least they're starting to eat dinner together.
The one downfall to this whole study. See this is why I love Charlie. He tells me the good news, but he never sugarcoats it. This world isn't always peaches and cream. Sometimes there are radio pieces due at 6 and sometimes there is nothing you can do to make your piece suck less. But yeah back to American families. While 60% of American families are eating dinner with their families, they are also letting electronics distract them during dinner. I hate to sound like an old fogey at 21, but THERE IS NOT TEXTING AT THE DINNER TABLE!!!
I know I was watching Charlie while savoring my cold pizza, but there was no TV near our kitchen table at home. I can honestly think of maybe one or two times when my family ate in front of the TV. It just really never happened. I would have it no other way. We're bombarded with emails, text messages, twitter updates, and TV shows all of the time. When I'm with my family, I love putting all of those things away and just enjoying real live people. It doesn't happen very often.
You know what makes me as happy as Charlie, and family meals? Well you probably could guess forever, or I could just tell you. It's tea. And I'm going to drink as many cups as I need to till I start to forget the radio clip. Mmmm warm comforting liquid.
Happy Eating!!!
Charlie did not do me wrong tonight. He informed me that 60% of American families polled by ABC news ate dinner as a family. I can not tell you how much that warms my soul.
My mom was one busy woman, but every night we sat down and ate a dinner. I had no idea that this was unique until I left for college. After freshman year I learned my parents were probably the only couple in all of America who hadn't gotten a divorce (overexaggeration of course, but you get the point) and that my parents did things all wrong; they were supposed to throw money at their children and ignore them. Dinner was supposed to be optional.
That is one depressing thought isn't it. When I think of all of the happy times my family had around the kitchen table, I just can't help but laugh. My brother would moan and complain when dinner wasn't his favorite. We all moaned when it was beef stroganoff. I mean who invented that anyway. What a disgusting idea for a meal. Beef, creamy slop, and noodles. It just doesn't give me that warm fuzzy feeling listening to Charlie does.
Thankfully it looks like since my freshman year things have started to turn around. Maybe America is getting smart. I doubt it, but at least they're starting to eat dinner together.
The one downfall to this whole study. See this is why I love Charlie. He tells me the good news, but he never sugarcoats it. This world isn't always peaches and cream. Sometimes there are radio pieces due at 6 and sometimes there is nothing you can do to make your piece suck less. But yeah back to American families. While 60% of American families are eating dinner with their families, they are also letting electronics distract them during dinner. I hate to sound like an old fogey at 21, but THERE IS NOT TEXTING AT THE DINNER TABLE!!!
I know I was watching Charlie while savoring my cold pizza, but there was no TV near our kitchen table at home. I can honestly think of maybe one or two times when my family ate in front of the TV. It just really never happened. I would have it no other way. We're bombarded with emails, text messages, twitter updates, and TV shows all of the time. When I'm with my family, I love putting all of those things away and just enjoying real live people. It doesn't happen very often.
You know what makes me as happy as Charlie, and family meals? Well you probably could guess forever, or I could just tell you. It's tea. And I'm going to drink as many cups as I need to till I start to forget the radio clip. Mmmm warm comforting liquid.
Happy Eating!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009

Have I ever told you that Matt likes to save money. Save money might be an understatement, because in all reality Matt just hates spending money. If there is some way that he could get by never spending money, Matt would be in paradise. He'd probably get an offer to join Eve in the Garden of Eden and say, "No thanks, living over here is free."
Anyway Matt has been raving about the ribs his dad's friend made when we were up last time. He made them with a rub, and Matt was in love. I wasn't as big of a fan, because I like my ribs moist. I knew we had extra time today, so I suggested to Matt that we make ribs. I had a whole container of sauce and was all ready to just pop the ribs in the crockpot before I left for class. Matt was not so into it. He decided we needed a dry rub.
I suggested we buy a rub. I mean if we were going to eat dry rub ribs, we might as well eat good dry rub ribs. BUT Matt decided that we already had the ingredients that went into a dry rub. "It's cheaper. We'll just do it ourselves." I was skeptical.
Boy was I wrong. Matt just started adding random things in my cupboard into a bowl. A little bit of paprika. A dash of cayenne. Some salt and pepper. Adobo of course. Add in some sazon. And a little dried garlic. It looked like a happy shade of red and smelled pretty strong.
We put the ribs in aluminum foil like you can see from the picture. Matt started the rubbing. He massaged that meat like it was nobodies business. It was definitely his baby and he looked on worried. I knew that look well. Anytime I was trying a new dessert I have that look. It's like you are willing the meal to taste good. PLEASE TASTE GOOD! PLEASE TASTE GOOD! I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!
We put the aluminum foil packet into the 13x9 pan. This made the clean up process so easy. There was a little juice in the pan, but it wasn't all baked on and gross. We baked the ribs at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 hours and then I turned the oven up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit to speed up the process. I was getting impatient.
The ribs were juicy and tasty. The rub was so flavorful, but it wasn't at all overpowerful. Matt won me over. The ribs he made were amazing and we didn't buy a rub. Yeah we saved some money. I'm ok with it as long as all of our meals taste as amazing as this one tonight. Oh and did I mention the ribs were a packet that we froze from our $.99 a pound short ribs. Yeah Matt would totally turn down the Garden of Eden for this.
Happy Eating!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wilbur where art thou?

Matt loves coupons. When I say love, I really mean he'd probably rather have a coupon than a massage. Well ok maybe I'm over exaggerating; he'd want the coupon and the massage. Somehow he snaggled a coupon even I was excited about. Wendys was giving away (FO FREE) their new bacon sandwiches with a purchase of a small fries and a small drink. So not totally free, but these sandwiches are regularly being sold for $4-$6.
These bacon sandwiches appear to be following in the footsteps of McDonald's souped up burgers. If you recall, I was not fond of the idea and Matt was not fond of the burger. But if Wendys can do anything, they can perfect an idea McDonalds failed at achieving.
Like you can see from the pictures, these sandwiches look pretty impressive. They are on a nice seeded bun with fresh looking foliage and bacon. I'm not a big foliage fan on my burgers, but it looks pretty when they put it there. I got the Bacon Deluxe Single and Matt got the Baconator or the Bacon Deluxe Double. I guess they assume if you get the double you're only interested in the meat, because his sandwich was devoid of foliage.
This bacon came from one fine pig. It's thick and chewy. It doesn't squish in your mouth like most fast food bacon does. There was enough bacon on the sandwich that the single I had seemed to have as much meat as a double burger. I was full about half way through, but it wasn't that "ugh so much grease soooo muchhhh greaaaaaaaaaaaase" feeling one gets from visiting those double arches. I felt like I had eaten a burger twice the size at TGI Fridays (which I would have probably paid $10 for).
The burger wasn't extra large or anything fancy. Wendys makes good burgers; there was no need to fiddle with it. Matt was a new fan to Wendys Ketchup and Mayo on the burger. I was always a fan, but he was definitely basking in the deliciousness of it.
Would I have paid the price tag for this burger? Matt's double deluxe baconator with fries and a drink would run you $7.36. That's expensive. As I was considering the burger, I found myself much happier about it than I thought I would have been. The problem is, I got it for free. If I had paid the hefty price tag, I don't know if I would have been as thrilled.
Ok so lets take a step back. The burger filled me up just like a burger at a regular sit down restaurant. The fries were just a nice side, but completely unnecessary. If you're looking for a treat, but don't want to have to pay for tip and a drink ($7.36 for sandwich, fries, and a drink) I think it's a great option. This sandwich is going to fill you up. It really is a fresh tasting treat. You will be surprised you are sitting in a fast food restaurant when you open the box (yes it actually comes in a box).
I know I railed on McDonalds for making an expensive burger during a recession, but they just did it all wrong. Advertising was done with giant billboards; I didn't get a free coupon to try a sandwich. Their sandwich just didn't taste all that good, and it still gave you that ball-o-grease feeling.
Wendys made bacon burgers leave me feel full and not like my face was about to break out. That is impressive. They are a little pricey, but they'll fill you up. Bring them home and put them on a plate if you are worried you'll miss that "going out to a restaurant" feeling. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Happy Eating!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Mmmm cozy
I am cuddled up on my couch with a cup of tea. It's a Friday night. I lead an exciting life. You have every right to be jealous. For some reason I have had this uncanny interest in the term comfort food today. I was actually upset that I didn't know the origin behind this term. Somehow I'm having trouble picturing a little old woman (with a Babushka on of course) in Eastern Europe 100 years ago, saying, "Chicken noodle soup and homemade rye bread, ahhhh comfort food."
Turns out I was right. According to the Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, the term comfort food is a 21st century phenomenon. Their reasoning for the creation of such a classification was, that life got more stressful with additional technology, and people needed these homey feeling foods to calm them after a long day. I think I agree.
Let's go back to my babushka lady. I'm thinking Stone Soup, if you need a visual reference. Why would this woman who spends her day cooking a meal for her family (with no emails, phone calls, or text messages to compete with her attention) need to be comforted at the end of the day? Now let's picture my mom who wakes up, lets the dog out, goes on the computer to send out emails, starts my sister with school, goes back to the computer to grade essays for her online class, teaches my sister some more, takes the dog out, makes lunch, sees a few appointments, prepares for a lecture, and then makes dinner. If you got lost somewhere in the middle there, maybe you see the need for comfort food in our society.
Unfortunately the other thing that The Encyclopedia of Food and Culture brought up about the invention of comfort food as a term, was that it was convenient for marketers. A-HA I knew it!!! Behind ever cutesy phrase that embodies a feeling so perfectly is a brilliant marketer. I know this because one of my good friends is a marketing major; I've watched him ooze brilliance, and as my jaw dropped I realized everything I had ever believed was created by a marketer. Think of how much money "comfort food" has made over the years. I have bought at least 2 cookbooks simply because I was having a bad day and couldn't pass up the thought of a new comfort food recipe.
The funny thing about this whole comfort food thing is that it means different things to different people. I had a wonderful moment in the grocery store with a kind old Portuguese man today. He was scowling at the same chestnuts I was scowling at. Chestnuts are comfort food for me, because my great-grandfather had a giant chestnut tree. Every year we would go and pick chestnuts. I would peel them and eat them right there (sometimes finding out that at the middle of the chestnut I had worked so hard for and had eaten half of has another little something eating it too). The man I met today had the same emotional draw to chestnuts. When we started talking about them, his eyes lit up; and he told me how he loved roasting them.
Thankfully it doesn't matter why a food is comforting to you. The real joy in comfort food is biting into a warm fried perogie, closing your eyes, and imagining home (wherever that is for you). How else do you explain that feeling other than comforting. Ahh those marketing majors are just so smart.
Happy Eating!!!
Turns out I was right. According to the Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, the term comfort food is a 21st century phenomenon. Their reasoning for the creation of such a classification was, that life got more stressful with additional technology, and people needed these homey feeling foods to calm them after a long day. I think I agree.
Let's go back to my babushka lady. I'm thinking Stone Soup, if you need a visual reference. Why would this woman who spends her day cooking a meal for her family (with no emails, phone calls, or text messages to compete with her attention) need to be comforted at the end of the day? Now let's picture my mom who wakes up, lets the dog out, goes on the computer to send out emails, starts my sister with school, goes back to the computer to grade essays for her online class, teaches my sister some more, takes the dog out, makes lunch, sees a few appointments, prepares for a lecture, and then makes dinner. If you got lost somewhere in the middle there, maybe you see the need for comfort food in our society.
Unfortunately the other thing that The Encyclopedia of Food and Culture brought up about the invention of comfort food as a term, was that it was convenient for marketers. A-HA I knew it!!! Behind ever cutesy phrase that embodies a feeling so perfectly is a brilliant marketer. I know this because one of my good friends is a marketing major; I've watched him ooze brilliance, and as my jaw dropped I realized everything I had ever believed was created by a marketer. Think of how much money "comfort food" has made over the years. I have bought at least 2 cookbooks simply because I was having a bad day and couldn't pass up the thought of a new comfort food recipe.
The funny thing about this whole comfort food thing is that it means different things to different people. I had a wonderful moment in the grocery store with a kind old Portuguese man today. He was scowling at the same chestnuts I was scowling at. Chestnuts are comfort food for me, because my great-grandfather had a giant chestnut tree. Every year we would go and pick chestnuts. I would peel them and eat them right there (sometimes finding out that at the middle of the chestnut I had worked so hard for and had eaten half of has another little something eating it too). The man I met today had the same emotional draw to chestnuts. When we started talking about them, his eyes lit up; and he told me how he loved roasting them.
Thankfully it doesn't matter why a food is comforting to you. The real joy in comfort food is biting into a warm fried perogie, closing your eyes, and imagining home (wherever that is for you). How else do you explain that feeling other than comforting. Ahh those marketing majors are just so smart.
Happy Eating!!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
You're Not Safe
I am sad to say that when I read in an article that a study has found unhealthy amounts of BPA in organic canned foods I might have giggled a little. Ok I'm not really sad to say it, more like I felt a twinge of guilt during the giggle.
In case you're wondering, BPA is the stuff in water bottles and plastic containers that's not supposed to be good for you. When the first studies about BPA came out, everyone was warned not to reuse plastic water bottles. I guess they use this stuff for? I'm really not sure, but it's used in canned foods too supposedly.
The manufacturers are telling us that BPA is relatively safe in small quantities, so I'm really not writing this post to make you run away to a vegetarian farm in Mexico. I guess this just made me realize that we don't know everything. More importantly we can't know everything.
That broccoli you buy might have e.coli on it just waiting to make your body sick. The cookie dough you sneak a bite of might be the healthiest thing you eat all day. You just really never know.
Organic food bothers me which was why I might have giggled a little when reading the article. The mass production of organic has pretty much left it in exactly the same playing field as the potato that makes those McDonalds fries. Yes Whole Foods was the end of the world as the small farmers knew it. I know they do bring in local produce every now and then, but the only thing that makes the bag of frozen broccoli different from the one at Shaws is the price tag.
This new study that shows high BPA levels in canned food just proves that the organic industry has become greedy. They came in when it became hip and cool to eat healthy, and have turned what might have been a good thing into what is still a harmful thing that makes a lot of money.
I didn't eat anything that was healthy or organic today. Hopefully it didn't have anything harmful in it. I made an omelet with cheese and ham and adobo. It was amazing and cooked and eaten in 15 minutes. Honestly it was the best idea I had all day.
Happy Eating!!!
In case you're wondering, BPA is the stuff in water bottles and plastic containers that's not supposed to be good for you. When the first studies about BPA came out, everyone was warned not to reuse plastic water bottles. I guess they use this stuff for? I'm really not sure, but it's used in canned foods too supposedly.
The manufacturers are telling us that BPA is relatively safe in small quantities, so I'm really not writing this post to make you run away to a vegetarian farm in Mexico. I guess this just made me realize that we don't know everything. More importantly we can't know everything.
That broccoli you buy might have e.coli on it just waiting to make your body sick. The cookie dough you sneak a bite of might be the healthiest thing you eat all day. You just really never know.
Organic food bothers me which was why I might have giggled a little when reading the article. The mass production of organic has pretty much left it in exactly the same playing field as the potato that makes those McDonalds fries. Yes Whole Foods was the end of the world as the small farmers knew it. I know they do bring in local produce every now and then, but the only thing that makes the bag of frozen broccoli different from the one at Shaws is the price tag.
This new study that shows high BPA levels in canned food just proves that the organic industry has become greedy. They came in when it became hip and cool to eat healthy, and have turned what might have been a good thing into what is still a harmful thing that makes a lot of money.
I didn't eat anything that was healthy or organic today. Hopefully it didn't have anything harmful in it. I made an omelet with cheese and ham and adobo. It was amazing and cooked and eaten in 15 minutes. Honestly it was the best idea I had all day.
Happy Eating!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What's your beef?
Well it looks as if we have another recall on our hands and my sources tell me that the meat was sold about a month ago. In case this is the first time you are hearing about it, ground beef is being recalled because somehow some e.coli decided to invade it. Of course I am being facetious when I use the word invade. It is not the e.coli's fault people; it just is not. Either way people are getting sick and even dying this time. Yes e.coli can be deadly, which is why you are to always be careful when you handle meat (and that medium rare burger is not safe, I repeat not safe). For right now it might be safe to avoid beef of the ground kind, and turn to turkey instead.
I am not a veghead and I do not, I repeat DO NOT support throwing meat out altogether. If you do it, I will try not to judge; but I might eat my bacon and eggs and comment on the tasty deliciousness of fried Wilbur fat. Call me cruel, insensitive, and non-environmental it really won't affect me. I wouldn't give up eating meat if I had to resort to wringing the chicken's neck myself. I might eat it less, or wring a few necks at a time so I could keep some in my freezer; but I would continue my delicious habit.
*Stepping off soapbox*
So since that option is out of the way, really the only option to avoiding ground beef is eating ground turkey. I grew up on ground turkey and really it is a wonderful alternative. I have heard from a few sources that it has the same amount of fat as ground beef has in it, but I dare those people to try to skim fat from the pan when cooking ground turkey. It's just not there. Maybe that doesn't mean it's not still in there, but I like to think it means that ground turkey is a tasty healthy alternative to ground beef.
Matt is a serious hater of ground turkey. When I say serious hater, I mean he is the president of the ground turkey haters club. I have to cook without him around and sneak ground turkey into his diet. Supposedly he has nothing against turkey in general; he just likes beef when it comes to burgers, meatloaf, and Chili. He also likes cooking his eggs in bacon fat, but that's a whole other story my stomach can't handle at the moment.
I am thinking that this recall might work to my favor when dealing with el presidente. It is possible that I can tell Matt that we have to eat ground turkey for a while, and he might come to like it. Then again Wilbur might fly away before I can get a roast out of him.
If you don't have a member of the club in your house hold and haven't tried ground turkey now is a great time. I am not a fan of ground chicken, because it is too dry. Also don't buy lean ground turkey. It will taste lean enough to you if you are used to ground beef. For the first time, you might not be ready for a burger. Try adding it to your favorite Chili recipe. It doesn't look the same as ground beef and it doesn't smell the same when you're cooking it. Don't let that deter you; the end result will taste just like chicken er beef. You won't be disappointed.
I guess the bottom line with all this food recall stuff is; food is not something you want to be flippant about. When you're cooking meat, be careful about temperature and times. Right now avoiding raw hamburger might be wise, even if you just found a great make-it-yourself steak tartar recipe. I think in our age of "here comes the swine flu let's invent a shot to save people from dying from it" we forget that all of the steps and precautions don't guarantee that what you are eating is safe. Honestly I hope they never come up with a way to make food 100% safe, because every time we do something like that to food we lose some of its nutritional value. Homogenized pasteurized milk anyone?
Happy Eating!!!
I am not a veghead and I do not, I repeat DO NOT support throwing meat out altogether. If you do it, I will try not to judge; but I might eat my bacon and eggs and comment on the tasty deliciousness of fried Wilbur fat. Call me cruel, insensitive, and non-environmental it really won't affect me. I wouldn't give up eating meat if I had to resort to wringing the chicken's neck myself. I might eat it less, or wring a few necks at a time so I could keep some in my freezer; but I would continue my delicious habit.
*Stepping off soapbox*
So since that option is out of the way, really the only option to avoiding ground beef is eating ground turkey. I grew up on ground turkey and really it is a wonderful alternative. I have heard from a few sources that it has the same amount of fat as ground beef has in it, but I dare those people to try to skim fat from the pan when cooking ground turkey. It's just not there. Maybe that doesn't mean it's not still in there, but I like to think it means that ground turkey is a tasty healthy alternative to ground beef.
Matt is a serious hater of ground turkey. When I say serious hater, I mean he is the president of the ground turkey haters club. I have to cook without him around and sneak ground turkey into his diet. Supposedly he has nothing against turkey in general; he just likes beef when it comes to burgers, meatloaf, and Chili. He also likes cooking his eggs in bacon fat, but that's a whole other story my stomach can't handle at the moment.
I am thinking that this recall might work to my favor when dealing with el presidente. It is possible that I can tell Matt that we have to eat ground turkey for a while, and he might come to like it. Then again Wilbur might fly away before I can get a roast out of him.
If you don't have a member of the club in your house hold and haven't tried ground turkey now is a great time. I am not a fan of ground chicken, because it is too dry. Also don't buy lean ground turkey. It will taste lean enough to you if you are used to ground beef. For the first time, you might not be ready for a burger. Try adding it to your favorite Chili recipe. It doesn't look the same as ground beef and it doesn't smell the same when you're cooking it. Don't let that deter you; the end result will taste just like chicken er beef. You won't be disappointed.
I guess the bottom line with all this food recall stuff is; food is not something you want to be flippant about. When you're cooking meat, be careful about temperature and times. Right now avoiding raw hamburger might be wise, even if you just found a great make-it-yourself steak tartar recipe. I think in our age of "here comes the swine flu let's invent a shot to save people from dying from it" we forget that all of the steps and precautions don't guarantee that what you are eating is safe. Honestly I hope they never come up with a way to make food 100% safe, because every time we do something like that to food we lose some of its nutritional value. Homogenized pasteurized milk anyone?
Happy Eating!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich wow
"It tastes so fine just anytime on a plane in a car with a bowl of caviar. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich yeah, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it's a meal so fine, it's paradise anytime, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yeahhhhhh"
I think it was about 6 months into our relationship that I sang the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich song to Matt. When I was little, we listened to Patch the Pirate tapes in the car. My poor parents could probably sing every song by heart. This song was one of my especially dearest songs. I mean who could not love an ode to pb&j.
Unfortunately because of peanut free schools, many children don't even have the opportunity to squish a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and gobble it down during lunch time. This is a travesty. My brother ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for probably 3 years. I am not that devoted, but there really is nothing like digging into your bag and seeing that sweet and nutty sandwich most likely a little squished waiting for you. It is the quintessential lunch time treat. I would go as far as saying that it is my favorite lunch.
There are plenty of debates as to how to make the perfect pb&j sandwich. Matt is a big fan of crunchy peanut butter. He also keeps his peanut butter in the fridge (yeah he's a weirdo). I grew up on smooth Skippy peanut butter. We kept it in the cabinets, so it was always smooth and spreadable. Skippy isn't too sweet and I just can't do crunchy. I like my sandwiches to be squishy and soft.
I grew up on grape jelly. Now I buy whatever happens to be in my fridge. Of course the good old grape and Skippy is the only sandwich that takes me back to those elementary school days.
Chips are definitely the only acceptable side to a pb&j. It is the perfect salty to the semi-sweet side.
I of course understand why some school are now peanut free, but pushing out the staple of American lunches is just so mean. Matt and I would probably be at a loss for lunch if we couldn't eat our lunches of pb&j. Not only is it probably one of the cheapest lunches, but it's also just so tasty. I'm terribly sorry if you don't get this. It's an acquired taste.
Happy Eating!!!
I think it was about 6 months into our relationship that I sang the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich song to Matt. When I was little, we listened to Patch the Pirate tapes in the car. My poor parents could probably sing every song by heart. This song was one of my especially dearest songs. I mean who could not love an ode to pb&j.
Unfortunately because of peanut free schools, many children don't even have the opportunity to squish a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and gobble it down during lunch time. This is a travesty. My brother ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for probably 3 years. I am not that devoted, but there really is nothing like digging into your bag and seeing that sweet and nutty sandwich most likely a little squished waiting for you. It is the quintessential lunch time treat. I would go as far as saying that it is my favorite lunch.
There are plenty of debates as to how to make the perfect pb&j sandwich. Matt is a big fan of crunchy peanut butter. He also keeps his peanut butter in the fridge (yeah he's a weirdo). I grew up on smooth Skippy peanut butter. We kept it in the cabinets, so it was always smooth and spreadable. Skippy isn't too sweet and I just can't do crunchy. I like my sandwiches to be squishy and soft.
I grew up on grape jelly. Now I buy whatever happens to be in my fridge. Of course the good old grape and Skippy is the only sandwich that takes me back to those elementary school days.
Chips are definitely the only acceptable side to a pb&j. It is the perfect salty to the semi-sweet side.
I of course understand why some school are now peanut free, but pushing out the staple of American lunches is just so mean. Matt and I would probably be at a loss for lunch if we couldn't eat our lunches of pb&j. Not only is it probably one of the cheapest lunches, but it's also just so tasty. I'm terribly sorry if you don't get this. It's an acquired taste.
Happy Eating!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Hair does not belong in the food

Yesterday I was hanging out in Salem with Matt and Kate. Kate is a vegetarian, so lunch could have been a challenge. I despise people who make vegetarians feel like they are a bother when choosing a restaurant. It is more challenging of course than it would have been if it were just Matt and I. We would have probably eaten a hot dog and moved on. But that doesn't mean that their eating choices should be discussed for hours on the sidewalk. Thankfully we had a Salem visitors guide and I found a cute little sandwich shop that touted vegan and vegetarian options. Even better, the place was reasonable.
Kate ordered a vegetarian wrap. I saved the table, because the place was packed; Matt bought me a tuna fish sandwich and he ordered a chicken Caesar salad(see everyone makes healthier choices when hanging out with Kate). We realized how hungry we were once we started eating the food. Kate stopped 1/4 way into her wrap and says "that's not mine." She pulled a hair out that didn't match any of our hair. Kate was of course completely grossed out. I felt awful, because meals are completely ruined by hair. Kate felt bad going up and telling the owner. My big mouth wasn't.
"We found hair in our food." ~ Me
"Oh that's not supposed to be there." ~ Owner
OF COURSE IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!!! The owner gave me a new sandwich completely embarrassed about the situation. It probably didn't help that I told him in a small sandwich shop full of customers that there was hair in the food, but hair doesn't belong in food. The first thing we learn in culinary school is keep your hair in a hat. I get grossed out if I find my own hair in my food. It's just really not appetizing and it gets stuck in your throat...bleck grossing me out just writing about it.
Today I received a industry magazine for chefs. I was a little depressed going through the magazine and seeing one article after another about how the restaurant industry isn't doing so hot. There were articles about ways to bring people in, basic marketing, ect. I think there should have been a piece about simple mistakes that will ruin a customers meal.
Hair in the food would be on the top of my list for an article like that. The economy makes things harder, but avoiding simple mistakes and cooking good food are the true keys to restaurant success.
Hope you enjoy the picture of Kate and me hanging out with Sam from Bewitched. Despite the hair in the food, we had a blast.
Happy Eating!!!
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